17th & 18th Century American Furniture & Architectural Replicas

Having grown up in Connecticut the body of my work is predominantly New England furniture and architectural design from the 1600's to the Federal Period. I've built furniture of every sort and style - simple to elegant, in all appropriate woods, as well as and including: Raised paneled walls and wainscoting and mouldings, restorations of every sort in old and new houses, carved and plain fireplace mantles and exterior doorway entrances, stairway balusters, newel posts and railings, and just about everything a Joyner, Turner, Carver, Cabinetmaker, Restorer and Conservator would do. And over the last twenty years I've added some of my best work. I found my passion early and it's been a labor of love ! I hope you enjoy the viewing and reading.

-Craig Farrow